
Interview with Kathy Temean - Illustrator Saturday

Kathy Temean kindly interviewed me for her blog this weekend, and I answered some questions and talked a bit about my process for making a digital drawing. Here’s a link to the interview:

Bird Meets Worm interview

Jane Smith over at Bird Meets Worm blog recently interviewed me for her monthly artist feature, wherein I talked about house portraits and zine-making.

Here’s the link:

Interview with Chillhop Music

I had a nice time talking with Ben at Chillhop recently about my process for making the recent Psalm Trees / Guillaume Muschalle album art with them. We also talked about working remotely, social media, and other stuff. Here’s a link to that interview:

Along with that, they have up on their YouTube channel a realtime video of me re-drawing the cover art with ink and gouache. They’ll be giving away the drawing as part of a raffle soon.